Rob Rowland was one of the early pioneers in the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) field, and completed the Basic and Advanced Mediation Training Courses offered by the Attorney-Mediators Institute in Dallas in the early 90’s.  During the decade of the 1990’s, Mr. Rowland completed well in excess of 1000 mediations – spanning all types of civil litigation matters, and was able to maintain a successful settlement ration of 90-95%.  He also served on many commercial arbitrator panels, both as a neutral and as an arbitrator selected by a party.  Today, Mr. Rowland continues his mediation and arbitrator practice, on a selective basis.


The current post-Enron emphasis in public companies on voluntary compliance, coupled with the government’s burgeoning initiatives aimed at legal and regulatory enforcement have caused corporations to deal directly with allegations of wrongdoing by bringing in independent outside counsel to conduct an internal corporate investigation.  Rob Rowland and his team of highly skilled professionals possess the background, experience, mature judgment and dependability for corporate leaders to entrust the critically important investigation responsibility.  Mr. Rowland will see that the investigation is conducted in a timely, thorough, impartial and cost effective manner.

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